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Risk Control

The SDRMA Risk Control team is available to assist with many of the requirements and best practices. In addition, we provide a variety of services, such as risk control evaluations, Cal/OSHA compliance questions, written program development, hazard inspections, ergonomic evaluations, training resources, and risk management guidance.

Risk Control Evaluations

Our Risk Control Evaluation serves as a tool to assist members with their risk management and Cal/OSHA compliance efforts. We identify relevant workplace and liability exposures, determine applicable Cal/OSHA requirements, review the District’s programs and procedures, and provide guidance and recommendations where needed.

Member Requested Services

▪ Assist with Cal/OSHA regulatory requirements

▪ Conduct risk related research and provide guidance

▪ Customize written programs, forms, and other documents

▪ Conduct hazard inspections

▪ Conduct ergonomic evaluations

▪ Provide training resources

Phone & Email Consultation

Provide unlimited phone & email consultation on safety and risk related topics, such as:

▪ COVID-19 regulatory updates

▪ Wildfire smoke exposures

▪ Cal/OSHA compliance

▪ Employee exposures and training requirements

▪ Driver and vehicle risk management

▪ Other risk and safety exposures 

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